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Jude Law to be a Baby Daddy


1judelawrecdrex_468x539It was recently announced that Jude Law knocked up some unknown female, but it’s now been disclosed that it is his former fuck buddy Samantha Burke. The initial reports had said that it was someone whom he was no longer seeing, but that he would actively participate in the child’s life and blah blah blah. We now find that those reports were possibly Jude’s publicist trying to make him look good before the “he said-she said” shit storm commenced.

According to Burke, she tried to contact Law to inform him of her pregnancy but his cell phone had been disconnected so she had to go through his publicist in order to inform him. It was also said that Law refused to believe it was his and she had to have a DNA test done to convince him.

A source alleged to be one of Burke’s friends is quoted as saying Jude refused to wear protection, and while that’s another point in the Jackass column for him, did Burke not stop to realize she could say no?  Who has sex with a man-whore like Law and capitulates to that kind of demand? I wouldn’t go near him with a teflon pudenda stuffed with Valtrex.

July 31, 2009 Posted by | Celebrity Shenanigans | , , , | 5 Comments